'till we meet again, August!

It was already 8:00 in the morning when i woke up. I haven't got a class today but my sister's high-pitched voice filled the room waking me up.

I haven't been viewing a calendar for a while now because i was so busy with schoolworks and my 9 to 9 classes.

i have no idea that yesterday was the day i had with "you know who" or the "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named". It was a certain event that made me want to skip the whole month of August!

"It's not you, It's ME.."

God has been good to me but i guess i'm the own who must be blamed. He was always there beside me but i refuse to take refuge in Him. I wanted to but I guess my negativity overpowered me. Sorry :(

Sorry August but i guess i need to move on with September.
These past month that i had spent with you was so vague that it seems like i skipped a month.Days even weeks had passed but i remained feeling sort of tired and somewhat numb due to the series of unfortunate events that happened in my life for the past few months.

Thanks August.
Though it has been a vague one, I'm glad that I spent 31 days with you.

Thanks for the memories including my oh-so-special 19th birthday, battle with Investigative Journ,and what else,oh right a year-old heartbreak.

PS. Don't you worry because you'll have a special spot in my heart.

So long, August. 'till we meet me again (:


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