An activity we had during our junior year.
What makes you happy?
Knowing that I came into the world not as an accident and that God gave me my life because I have a purpose.
I’m happy that my family is still intact even though we are bombarded with problems. It may not last forever but I have faith in the relationship that I have with them. They are my inspiration. They had accepted me for who I am despite the flaws and mistakes that I had made in the past.
Seeing myself accomplish things on my own despite hindrances is one of the things that makes me happy. I am just a human and there are things that I lack or I cannot do but I will not give up trying to accomplish these rather than doing nothing about it.
The other things that make me happy are the simple blessings that I received from God, the gifts that we tend to ignore everyday and even the problems that I encounter throughout my life. These are the things that mold me to what I become now. These abundant blessings remind me that I am forever grateful for the things he had brought into my life and that I should not take these for granted.
What is your greatest dream and why did you choose Journalism as your course?
When I was in Elementary and High School, my dreams were to finish my studies and to be successful in the career that I love and my loved ones would be proud of which is writing. By the time I stepped out outside my comfort zone go to college, I felt naked, bare and unsure. Things will be different because in this new chapter of my life as a college student the umbilical cord that binds me with my family as a child will be cut to become independent.
Will I fail the expectations that my parents and I have for myself? Will I graduate? If so, what will happen afterwards? Is the course I’m taking now will be the pathway to my success? These are just some of the questions that are still left unanswered. And it is my goal to find or seek the answers on my own.
Both of my parents worked hard to provide us with the life we had now using the business they built with their own sweat and blood. They wanted us to be independent to make decisions in our lives. I wanted to pursue a career that I can call my own rather than to have one that is spoon-fed by my parents.
To provide my family a better life is my greatest dream. It is one of the many reasons why I took Journalism.
Many people who I’ve met in my life inspired me to take Journalism as my course. That includes family, friends, teachers, and classmates and even strangers at certain moments.
Another is my Ninang, Jade Imson. She’s intelligent, nice and loves to write. She took BA in Creative Writings in UP Diliman during her college years and was awarded for some of her literary works. She is the firstborn of my parents’ former boss. Even when we were children, she is one of the people who I look up to and I’ll always remember that at some point I wanted to be like Ate Jade.
There are also people who inspires me to work hard in my studies and pursue a career in the world of Media..
They are two of my professors I had in PUP. The first one is Ma’am Cherry Pebre. During the first classes in our subject with her, she told us about the hardships she had encountered in order to become the successful person she is now.
“Journalism is not a profession, it is a commitment..”, Ma’am Angie Borican quoted it from Mr. Luis Teodoro during her class with him. The simple saying had stuck in me.
Being a journalist is not just a career where you earn money from but rather it is a commitment between you, your job and the people. To be a journalist is a serious matter. The kind of journalist I wanted to be –honest and seeker of the truth for the sake of the people.
I dreamt of being a journalist because there is only one thing that I want and that journalists before me had wanted which is CHANGE. Writing will be my weapon to inform people who become blind and deaf to the noise of the truth, freedom and justice.
With God as my companion and a pen & a piece of paper as my weapons, I will explore the real world through writing.
What would I be 10 years from now? That’s a hard question. I will be turning 19 this coming August. Let’s add 10 years of intense hard labor. That sums up to 29 years of existence on Earth. Phew!
CAREER. Maybe I would have the career that I love and my family will be proud of me. I’ve always dreamed to take part in the world of Media. A writer in a publication? Freelance photographer? Letting the world see my inevitable hosting skills on TV as a reporter? An educator? A blogger? A businesswoman? Sky’s the limit when you’re a Journalism graduate but it will require hard work and determination. That’s why I wanted to earn money first for my family and after 2-4 years, I will pursue a career in the world of media. Maybe by this time, journalism is more in demand. And also, I’ve always wanted to have a business of my own or continue our family business while working.
EDUCATION. Even though I’m not that good with children, I’ll see myself teaching (PART-TIME) students to impart the knowledge that my previous professors had taught me and share my different experiences in life with them despite hindrances that led what I become. I want to teach part-time while I’m working. Multi-tasking is never easy, I know but education will forever be a part of who I am.
FAMILY. By this time, I had helped my parents to give my two siblings a good education and after they had graduated, we will help each other to provide our family including my parents a secured life that they had always wanted to have.
MYSELF. While accomplishing these goals, I wanted to have my own life as a young and independent woman. Witnessing other people appreciate or criticize my written works and seeing my dream house being built with the money I worked hard for are great feats for me.
RELATIONSHIP. Unfortunately, I’ll see myself as the workaholic journalist who leaves her office 2AM in the morning after, replaces breakfast with dinner and water with coffee and has a motto of “work first, love later”. I’ll be a doting tita to my siblings’ and cousins’ children who spoils them. Being single is I think a choice in my case for years. One reason is that I want to help my family before thinking of my ‘love life’. I wanted to accomplish the goals I want to fulfill in my life first and have a stable life. Maybe it is still not time for me to meet “the one” for now, but I hope that we will be ready when we meet.
Even at my age of eighteen, there are times that I am still in doubt to what would I become in the near future. The only thing I knew for sure is that I entrusted the pen of my very own life to God for Him to be its author and I am willing to take the risk to follow the path He has for me.
I am blessed to say that even if there is a time that I would fall over the hurdles of problems in life, God and my loved ones are always there on the other side to support me to stand up and continue on my life.